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Dear developer, volume control is missing.

Dear developer, cube is sometimes do not fall out of dispenser from top wall.

Dear developer, cube is sometimes falling out of my hands.

Dear developer, i can not move camera directly to floor.

Dear developer, right mouse button does not clear jumpads.

Dear developer, game does not say press E to take gun.

(3 edits)

Dear developer, app can not be minimized with windows start button on keyboard. app is not translated to english or slovak. I can not move with wasd buttons. I had to set them in configuration window at start. Configuration window can not be minimized to taskbar.  configuration window say prism configuration on top. Game is running without vsync in main menu when i choose very low setting. Game is sometimes running at 35+ fps when i choose ultra. Please add floor because i fall to space and i got scared. I can not set music and sounds off. I can not set graphics quality. I can not set vsync. I can not set hbao+. I can not choose between MSAA or FXAA or SSAA antialiasing. Please update game to directx12. Please add tesselation. Please add physx particles. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. MY device is asus g750jh with windows 10 insider preview. I can not see myself in shadow on floor. Player can fall off out of walls in starting room. Player can jump out of roof in starting room. Sometimes i can see between walls. Player is sometimes twitching in starting room. I can not crouch with ctrl button. I can not run with shift button. I can not turn on flashlight with F button.